Tuesday, August 14, 2012




  lp dam-wat maiparam 2536 herb special pim


Sunday, August 12, 2012

How to Pray

How to Pray

  • All prayers should start with: Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa x3
    Meaning : Homage to the Blessed One, the Consummate One, the Supremely Enlightened One
  • Recite the katha x1 / x3 / x7 / x9 
  • Optional : end the prayer with : Sadhu x3
    Meaning : good, virtious
  • Optional : Make a wish
The number of times you recite your katha is not important unless instructed by master.
Just recite as many times as your time allows unless instructed by master.

Usually prayers are done before wearing the amulet, after taking off the amulet, or before sleep.
You may of course chant the katha while you are doing other things, such as driving or walking.
However, attention should be prioritize on the thing you are doing, to avoid unfortunate event.

If possible, pray after you practise meditation, to assist your concentration (samadhi) and awareness while reciting katha.
Reciting with samadhi and awareness will bring much difference compared to plain mouth or heart recitals.
Know what and why are you reciting.
Mechanical recitals, especially after you have memorized and have been reciting the kathas for some time, does not bring much effect.

Respect the entity of your amulet and its maker.
Appreciate it, its existence, and your luck of owning it.

Friday, August 10, 2012



 七条女抱柱人缘法杖=200MM only made 300pcs 

奇僧亚曾芭素大师铸造此“七仙女”圣品,一点也不马虎,首先找来多种吉祥圣土,最不可缺的就是身体上的圬泥 ,而且还是源自美女身上的,再配合其生日之星期。不同的生日,所取圬泥的部位也有所不同。收集好后与多种灵 土混合,将这些粉末塞进圣品下方的一个小洞,塞满后封口。选一个月圆之夜,露天加持,以吸收月亮圣洁之光, 一达到其灵显威力。此圣品可称是人缘至尊,佩带后人缘一流,每天还得到守护神保护,又有须弥山为靠山,那就 更锦上添花了。此圣品可以保佑情侣之间的感情如胶似漆、水乳交融,人际之间左右逢缘、贵人相助,辟邪挡险、 防降化煞、增加自信。七仙女(七女抱柱·及那里咯叻)此圣品从表面看好象色情玩意儿,但很的信众喜爱。这圣 品上有七个裸女抱住一颗似西哇能的物体,此圣品其实是演绎自“宋干”的节日。宋干节又叫“泼水节”,每年新 历的四月十二、十三、十四是泰国的宋干节,也是泰国民族传统的“新年”。宋干节是由印度传入泰国,源自婆罗 门教的一种宗教仪式,“宋干”出自梵文,是佛历第一天

namotassah bagawato arahato sama sam buddasah X3
kam ma la moung
it ti luerg ka
ah kun ta ti cha mi
oun tong pi yang ma ma

Mai Kru Lersi Phor Gae Mahavet Nua Samrit 魯史仙師法杖

Ceremony: LP Kloy will consecrate the amulets with 19 top monks of South Thailand on auspicious day or 2 June C.E.2012 inside Buddhist church of Wat PuKowThong.

LP Kloy an abbot of Wat PuKowThong, Phatthalung province was born in Phatthalung on 9th February 1929. He was novice at the age of 19 at Wat DaunSaLa and was ordained as a monk on 1st March 1950 at Wat KuanBunTaRarm. He was ordained by LP Ied (LP Kloy's uncle), Phra MaHa Jerm and Phra Kru GarChard. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. Also, he commenced studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Ied of Wat KowOr who was a very famous guru monk and deep knowledge of Visha and is highly respected in South of Thailand. Many gurus such as Lersi, Brahman, magic layman study making Hoon Pa Yon from Phra Arjarn Kloy A-Na-Mo who inherits making Hoon Pa Yon knowledge.

           Wat KowOr has more than 120 year history of making good Amulets. Most of the believers considered that the Amulets carry protective powers.

 Magic Power!! LP Kloy's amulets are very popular among Thai amulets collectors. He has been made and properly this amulet follows Wat KowOr.  While he has been concreted the sun becomes encircled by halo until he finished a ritual. This ceremony held at Wat KowOr.


Mai Kru Phor Kae Maha Wet (Samrit)

Material: the top and bottom of Mai Kru created from bronze or Nuea Samrit. Moreover, Mai Kru amulet created from sacred Thai tree.

Build: 999 items

Powerful: Mai Kru Phor Kae Maha Wet amulet has many supernatural powers such as protect owner from black magic, ghost, weapon and bad thing. Moreover, this powerful amulet can bring auspiciousness to worshiper.

  • LP Kloy ,Wat Phu Khao Thong
  • LP Tuam ,Wat Sri Suwan
  • LP Eied , Wat Koke Yaem
  • LP Chuang , Wat Kuan Puntaram
  • LP Prom , Wat Ban Suan
  • LP Pat , Wat Pah Payom
  • LP Uthai, Wat Ban Suan
  • LP Hong ,Wat Kao Aor
  • LP Wien, Wat Pikulthong
  • LP Ngern, Wat Phrong Ngoo
  • LP Pon, Wat Tung Naree
  • LP Paew, Wat Phu Khao Thong
  • LP Plaek , Wat Park Pron
  • LP Huan, Wat Koke Lor
  • Phra Ajarn Ransiri, Wat Ban Suan
  • Phra Ajarn Satien, Wat Koke Don
  • Phra Ajarn Reed, Wat Pah Moke
  • Phra Ajarn Prasoot Wat Nai Tao
  • Kruba Subin Sumetso

  • Phra Ajarn Waen ,Wat Pah Pracha Samakkeetam
  • TEMPLE CODE 370,324,381,356
  • maikru khata:Namo Tassa (3x)
    Na Mo Put Ta Ya Ma Ah U (9x).